IEEE Power and Energy Society - Sri Lanka Chapter

Status of Implementation of Energy Efficiency Initiatives

A webinar titled as “Status of Implementation of Energy Efficiency Initiatives” was organized by the IEEE PES Sri Lanka Chapter as a part of the IEEE PES DAY 2020. It was held on 24th of April 2020 at 6.00 PM (IST) via the online platform ZOOM.

Facilitator of the webinar is one of the renowned power industry professionals in the country, Dr. Tilak Siyambalapitiya who is an accredited energy auditor in Sri Lanka. He has worked on promoting and teaching energy efficiency since 1983, in fact he taught energy efficiency at numerous university courses and at energy management training programs

The webinar highlighted Sri Lanka’s achievements in implementing energy efficiency initiatives, and what more remains to be implemented including segments suchs as supply-side and demand-side initiatives, devices, appliances and systems that need attention to make them more efficient. About 90 participants joined with the webinar and they actively participated by raising various questions. Session was conducted very interactive manner by the speaker. Some of the screen captures of the event are presented below.

Program Flyer